The Committee on Legislation in collaboration with the Chapter’s lobbyist, tracks legislation relevant to children’s health and the profession of pediatrics, recommends positions to the Executive Board, and provides testimony on bills. The Committee also updates the Executive Board on the state budget process as well as the budget’s potential impact on the health and well being of children in the Commonwealth.
- CATCH Grant Program
- Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs
- Children’s Mental Health Task Force
- Climate Change Advocacy
- Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect
- Equity, Diversity and Anti-racism Committee
- Foster Care
- Immigrant Health
- Immunization Initiative
- Legislative
- Medicaid ACO Task Force
- Pediatric Council
- Resident and Medical Student Activities
The Committee works in collaboration with other MCAAP committees and other groups who are invested in children’s health. The goals of the Committee are to:
- be knowledgeable about proposed legislation on the local, state and national level that are of importance to the children and pediatricians of Massachusetts;
- provide a forum for Committee members, Chapter members and others to discuss information about legislation concerning the health and well being of children or the practice of pediatrics and provide follow up as appropriate; and
- recommend appropriate actions to the Executive Board after study and discussion of these issues.
We welcome the input of any Chapter members interested in legislation and will continue to reach out to experts within the chapter to lend their knowledge to legislative issues regarding the health of children.
MCAAP Legislative Policy and Endorsement Form
Co-chairs, Drs. Eli Freiman and Gregory Campbell
Please contact Cathleen Haggerty at chaggerty@mcaap.org for more information.