MCAAP Committees
CATCH Grant Program
The Community Access To Child Health (CATCH) program is a national initiative of AAP. CATCH grants are awarded in the Fall and Spring each year. Residents are strongly encouraged to apply for a grant and to seek the support of the chapter facilitators and district resident liaisons to discuss their ideas.
THE CATCH program provides grants up to $10,000 to individual pediatricians or fellowship trainees for planning or for the initial implementation of a community-based project.
Resident CATCH grants also are available up to $2,000. CATCH grants are awarded in the Fall and Spring each year. Residents are strongly encouraged to apply for a grant and to seek the support of the chapter facilitators and district resident liaisons to discuss their ideas.
The Healthy Tomorrows Partnership for Children Program (HTPCP) is a great opportunity available to pediatricians to extend funding beyond those of a CATCH grant. HTPCP a cooperative agreement between the federal Maternal and Child Health Bureau​ (MCHB) and the AAP. The cooperative agreement is funded by MCHB. Federal grants of up to $50,000 per year for 5 years are awarded annually to improve maternal and child health through community-based initiatives focused on prevention and access to health services. The projects focus on various topics including obesity, school-based health, medical-legal partnerships, telehealth, care coordination, and infant mortality.
For more information visit https://www.aap.org/CATCH.
For technical assistance or questions, email catch@aap.org.