The Injury Prevention Committee continues to build on many relationships with partners around the State-this includes the Department of Public Health and the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security, as well as many other groups.
- CATCH Grant Program
- Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs
- Children’s Mental Health Task Force
- Climate Change Advocacy
- Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect
- Equity, Diversity and Anti-racism Committee
- Foster Care
- Immigrant Health
- Immunization Initiative
- Legislative
- Medicaid ACO Task Force
- Pediatric Council
- Resident and Medical Student Activities
The Injury Prevention Committee Section on Injury and Poison Prevention
It has been once again a busy time in injury prevention. The last legislative session ended with a new law banning texting while driving, as well as a ban on All Terrain Vehicle use under the age of 14. There was also a new concussion education law passed and a ban on novelty lighters. The ATV law got a big boost from the MCAAP Residents and Fellows Day at the State House.
This year the main focus is the passage of Primary Enforcement of the Seat Belt Law (H2401/ S1211). This simple measure, which would allow police to cite drivers for non-use of seat belts without having to first stop them for another reason, will save 18 lives and prevent 650 serious injuries each year. It will also save $70 million in health care expenditures. This is a huge opportunity health care cost containment!
We continue to build on many relationships with partners around the State-this includes the Department of Public Health and the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security, as well as many other groups. We have participated in the Mass Prevent Injury Now Network (PINN), and the Partnership for Passenger Safety. Special note should be made of Mary Maguire of AAA, with whom I co-chair the Belts Ensure a Safer Tomorrow (BEST) Coalition and Jeff Larson from the SafeRoads Alliance. The BEST Coalition now has about 45 organization members.
Contacts ā€“ Greg Parkinson, MD and Michael Flaherty, DO
Please contact Cathleen Haggerty at chaggerty@mcaap.org for more information.