The CME Planning Committee offers the highest quality educational programs for MCAAP members. The last Annual Meeting on May 9th focused exclusively on the pediatricians and school health.
- CATCH Grant Program
- Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs
- Children’s Mental Health Task Force
- Climate Change Advocacy
- Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect
- Equity, Diversity and Anti-racism Committee
- Foster Care
- Immigrant Health
- Immunization Initiative
- Legislative
- Medicaid ACO Task Force
- Pediatric Council
- Resident and Medical Student Activities
The ad hoc committee continues to work with other AAP Chapters and collaborates with other child health organizations in presenting CME programs throughout the state. The Committee will be continuing to evaluate the use of e-learning and community learning groups to extend CME opportunities to members who are not able to attend live programming. There is a great need for new committee members to keep our programming fresh. All medical students, residents, young and senior physicians, and practicing and academic pediatricians are invited to join our meetings. The CME program continues to incorporate the expertise of MCAAP committees in educating the general membership on clinical issues, pediatric practice administration, and child advocacy.
Click here to visit recent and upcoming MCAAP CME programming.
Baystate CME
Boston Childrenā€™s Hospital CME
BU School of Medicine CME
CTAAP Webinar Series
Floating Hospital for Children CME
Harvard Medical School CME
National CME Conferences:
AAP 2024 National Conference & Exhibition ā€“ September 27 – October 1
AAP Pedialink
Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS)