MCAAP Committees
Medicaid ACO Task Force
Medicaid ACO Task Force works with the state of Massachusetts to develop a plan to transform MA Medicaid into a model that offers improved care for children and youth and supports physician-led innovation in health care delivery to meet the needs of children, youth, and families.
The Task Force represents the MCAAP and the Commonwealth’s children with regard to implementation of the State Accountable Care Organization model, especially regarding support for advanced pediatric primary care, team care with inclusion of community health workers, greater attention and support to help with social drivers of health, mental/behavioral health integration, and commitment to investment in health care for children and youth as a way to improve the futures of Massachusetts children. The Task Force has been proactive about representing the interest of children and their specific health care needs to the State during development and implementation of pediatric–specific programs. MCAAP has particular concerns regarding disruptions to usual patterns of health care for children, especially regarding children and youth with special health care needs and those requiring complex subspecialty care, as well as problems in enrolling newborns.
NEJM Perspective – Medicaid and Child Health Equity – James M. Perrin, MD, Genevieve M. Kenney, PhD and Sara Rosenbaum, JD – January 2021
Click here to access the Massachusetts Child and Adolescent Health Initiative’s Report “Moving to the Vanguard on Pediatric Care: Child and Adolescent Health Initiative Recommendations for the MassHealth Section 1115 Waiver Renewal” – September 2020
Please contact Cathleen Haggerty at chaggerty@mcaap.org for more information.