MCAAP Committees
Resident and Medical Student Activities
The mission of the Resident Committee of the Massachusetts Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (MCAAP) is to offer enthusiastic representation for resident MCAAP members, promote collaboration between residents and other members/committees of the MCAAP, and to utilize the resources of the MCAAP to empower residents to improve the health and wellness of children and adolescents in Massachusetts.
The 2024 MCAAP Residents and Fellows Day at the State House (RFDASH) took place on Thursday, June 20, 2024 at the Massachusetts State House.

Since its inception, the event has allowed residents and fellows to express their support for 30 bills, many of which have been passed and are current Massachusetts law. Click here for more information about the 2024 RFDASH.
MCAAP Resident Committee Member Roles and Responsibilities
The roles and responsibilities of MCAAP Resident Committee members include:
- Serve as a liaison between the MCAAP and the residency program that you represent
- Identify ways in which the MCAAP can provide valuable benefits, resources, and learning opportunities to resident members, including: mentorship, advocacy, and service opportunities
- Provide input about potential programming that would be valuable to pediatric residents and assist in planning and implementing these programs
- Help to keep the MCAAP community informed of resident activities and topics important to residents by periodically authoring a column in the quarterly MCAAP Forum Newsletter
- Ensure that presentations about the value of MCAAP and AAP membership are integrated into the curriculum at the programs that you represent (e.g. conferences, didactic series, orientation programming)
- Identify ways in which the Chapter can collaborate with trainees on AAP initiatives on the national and state level
- Attend quarterly MCAAP Resident Committee meetings hosted by the MCAAP and annual receptions to welcome new young physicians to the MCAAP
- Communicate with other MCAAP Resident Committee members via monthly conference calls and 1-2 annual in-person committee meetings
- Each year, ensure that 2-3 Resident Committee members from each institution are identified so that a succession plan is implemented for ongoing sustainability
Medical Student Committee
The MCAAP Medical Student Committee is a team of medical students from the four medical schools across the state of Massachusetts – BU, Harvard, Tufts, and UMass – who are passionate about child health equity and advocacy work. Together, we host events ranging from educational webinars to hands-on skills trainings. Our aim is to create a community of future pediatricians deeply passionate about health justice, to facilitate needed conversations about the needs of children and families in our state, and to reimagine how the field of pediatrics can promote equity – now and in the future. – Chair, Aisha Griffin
2023-2024 Events:
2023 Fall Advocacy Conference (December 2, 2023; Location: MIT IHQ)
At the 2023 Fall Advocacy Conference, pre-medical students and medical students from across Massachusetts gathered to learn from various pediatrician leaders regarding advocacy issues impacting children and families in our state. Topics included family and youth homelessness, environmental health, youth mental health, legislative advocacy, and more! The day was structured to include Ted Talks on paths to advocacy in pediatrics, as well as direct advocacy skills workshops. A one page summary of the event and speakers’ slides are available here.
Speakers: Philip Landrigan, MD, MSc; Aura Obando, MD; Arvin Garg, MD, MPH; Christina Kratlian, MD, MA; Carole Allen, MD, MBA; Kevin Simon, MD, MPH
Webinar: Immigrant and Refugee Families in Massachusetts: Identifying Community Needs & Available Resources in the Pediatric Setting (April 4, 2024; Virtual)
Advocacy Day: Immigrant and Refugee Health (Date and Location TBD)
Prior Medical Student Activities
2022-2023: LGBTQ+ Health and Advocacy Night (May 16, 2023; Virtual)
2023 Annual MCAAP Mentor Award – Dr. Hyun-Hee Kim
2021-2022: Caring for Patients with Behavioral Health Needs (March 22, 2022; Virtual)
Introduction to Pediatric Mental Health Equity (Nov 17, 2021; Virtual: video)
2022 Annual MCAAP Mentor Award – Michelle Durham, MD, MPH
2020-2021: Effects of Racism on Child Development (March 11, 2021; Virtual: video)
Confronting Racism as a Medical Student (Sept 23, 2020; Virtual: video)
How Pediatricians Can Combat Racism (July 7, 2020; Virtual: video)
2021 Annual MCAAP Mentor Award – Aura Obando, MD, , FAAP
Please contact Cathleen Haggerty at chaggerty@mcaap.org for more information.