MCAAP Member, Dr. Robert Sege, featured in USA Today – Top Pediatricians Group Strengthens Call to Ban Spanking, Saying it “Harms Children”
This is Our Lane
Please consider signing open letter from healthcare professionals to the NRA detailing exactly why addressing firearm violence is, unavoidably, “in our lane”
Open letter from healthcare professionals to the NRA detailing exactly why addressing firearm violence is, unavoidably, “in our lane”: … Please sign. #ThisIsOurLane #Enough
Click here to read the MCAAP Statement on Separation of Children and Family Detention at the Southern US Border. Click here to read the AAP Statement on Executive Order on Family Separation.
Open letter from healthcare professionals to the NRA detailing exactly why addressing firearm violence is, unavoidably, “in our lane”: … Please sign. #ThisIsOurLane#Enough
Feds Ordered to Finalize Graphic Cigarette Warnings – Courthouse News Service
MCAAP Member, Dr. John O’Reilly, Featured
MCAAP Member, Dr. John O’Reilly, featured on – Time Running Out to Get Back-To-School Immunizations