MA Department of Public Health - Information for MA Healthcare Providers Regarding Immigration Enforcement and Access to Care and Assistance Programs

2023 MIAP Conference

MDPH Bulletin: Monovalent Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines are no longer authorized for use in the United States

Recent MMWR Reports

Amoxicillin Shortages

Guidance on Management of Pediatric Respiratory Illness Patients during times of Capacity Constraints

The Department of Public Health and the Massachusetts Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics outline steps to prevent illness and stay healthy this season.

Abbott Nutrition Recall

MCAAP Statement on the MassHealth Section 1115 Waiver Renewal

AAP and MCAAP Statement Condemning Targeted Harassment Campaign re: Gender-Affirming Care

MCAAP Youth Reproductive Health Policy Statement

"This is Our Lane" - by MCAAP Member, Jack Maypole, MD

Keeping Kids Healthy and Safe in the wake of the Uvalde, Texas Tragedy

Formula Resources to Address the Infant Formula Shortage

STARTS: Strategic Toolkit Advising the Return to School developed by the Harvard School of Public Health

AAP COVID-19 interim guidance on Safe Schools and Promotion of In-Person Learning and Return to Sports and Physical Activity

Mass. Medical Society, other groups urge parents to get kids over the age of 5 vaccinated against COVID-19 - The Boston Globe

The MCAAP and MMS Leadership on Vaccinating 5- to 11-year olds

More than 500 locations available statewide to provide children 5-11 years old with shots of COVID-19 vaccine

NEW! Joint Oversight Hearing on Children’s COVID-19 Vaccinations and Testing - October 21st

Press Release: Vargas Bill to Remove Non-Medical Exemption to Childhood Vaccines, Coalition Urges Action

NEW! Massachusetts Medical Society and the MCAAP on CDC investigation of post-vaccination heart inflammation - 6/24/2021

Transforming Pediatric Primary Care: Moving From Theory To Practice In Massachusetts And Beyond

Updated MCAAP Policy on Safe In-Person Learning - 2/26/2021

Youth Sports and COVID-19

UPDATED Printable Pediatric Decision Tool on COVID Testing - 1/4/2021

MCAAP President, Dr. Lloyd Fisher, receives the COVID-19 Vaccine

AAP COVID-19 Vaccine FAQs

FREE WEBINAR: Helping Pediatricians to Address Structural Racism (2) - 12/17 at 6 pm