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Immunization News
2023 MIAP Conference
The 28th Annual Massachusetts Immunization Action Partnership (MIAP) Pediatric Immunization Skills Building Conference will be held as a hybrid event on Wednesday, October 25, 2023. The in-person conference will be held at the DCU Center, Worcester, Massachusetts. Click here to visit the conference website.
Mass. lawmakers to debate religious exemption for childhood vaccine requirements
From the Boston Globe, July 26, 2023
Click here for the full article.
National Infant Immunization Week is April 24-30, 2023

National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW) is an annual observance highlighting the importance of protecting children two years and younger from vaccine-preventable diseases (VPDs). The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend that children stay on track with their well-child appointments and routine vaccinations. On-time vaccination is critical to provide protection against potentially life-threatening diseases. Click here for sample key messages that you can use to encourage parents to stay up to date on their childā€™s vaccinations #ivax2protect #NIIW
MDPH Bulletin: Monovalent Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines are no longer authorized for use in the United States
Click here to read the Bulletin.